Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Honey, Is The Life Insurance Up To Date?

Devin's mom & Bob just got their Harley back from the shop this past weekend.......Notice the picture, doesn't it look great! And how hot does my husband look sitting on it (confidence, radiance, and rainbow flip flops- you know all the essential riding gear!) ......ok onto the good part-

Devin thought today was the day to learn how to ride a motorcycle, a Harley none the less. He started down the driveway with Bob by his side coaching him on what to do (need I remind you that he has NEVER ridden a motorcycle in his life). He got to the street, put it in first gear and was off. Well...kind of- After two-tenths of a second and a hard left he found himself frantically trying to figure out how to lay the bike onto the street without too much damage. 'Dang It', he screamed, how much is this crash going to cost?...The bike laid on the street while Devin was left assessing his injuries.....a smashed toe, scratches on his ankle, a bloody calf, and a sore back.
Maybe tomorrow will be a good day to learn how to ride a motorcycle!


Anonymous said...

Ouch! Bummer in the summer. Good story though. Wish there were pictures of the actual bailing out scene.:)

The Mehaffeys said...

Well, Devin looks so B.A. hardcore in that picture (other than the plaid shorts and t-shirt, which really don't match the facial expression), that it makes the story even more funny. Guess you don't have to worry about your husband being a fire figher and joining Hell's Angels.