Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

This girl is growing up SO fast and becoming one sweet little girl.
She woke up this morning and wished me a happy Mother's Day and
asked if I was feeling better. (ALL ON HER OWN!!!)
  Melted my heart!
I am truly lucky to be her mom
And this one.....
well, this is pretty much
how the day went
There was feet stomping as well,
you know, just to make his point.
The "happy Mother's Day" point I guess!!!
Yup, lucky to be his momma too!
See, he does have a cute, sweet side! 
And the two of them together is a fun, funny pair
they would not be serious for one picture
they thought they were so funny making faces
and sticking their tongues out for the camera
not one smile!
I guess we thought they were funny too! :)

1 comment:

Mari J said...

Trey is hilarious!! You guys must really like Ruby's! Was that a gumball that died your sweet daughter's tongue blue?!