Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tree Removal

We had some BIG, pesky trees in our backyard....
we hated them
our neighbors hated them
they needed to come down!

See them in the background
Devin's friend Kyle and our neighbor Steve
came over and spent most of the day
cutting, chopping, loading, un-loading
those pesky trees
looks fun, right!
We had over 4,000 lbs of tree
Once the trees were gone, even
peskier stumps were still there

Devin brought his truck into the backyard
and pulled those suckers out!
Now..... thats fun!
Even Kaylie helped with her car


Mari J said...

Can I have her? Please? Does she do weed removal too?

Jennie said...

Yes you can have her. Yes she does weed removal and very good at whining too!