Friday, September 4, 2009

Swim Lessons

Let me apologize up front for this post,
my make-my-pictures-cute cite
gave me some problems yesterday.
I tried and tried to make these pictures cute
but after hours I gave up, sorry!...
you still love me, right?!!!

Getting in...
the steps also happen to be her favorite
place in the pool. She loves to play with the rings
on the steps!

but she is doing so great with all her new tricks:
holding her breath,
swimming from Dad to Grandma,
and back...

holding onto the side of the pool by herself
(we just have to be careful and watch because
she pushes off and tries to swim back to us!)

Diving for rings,

Floating on her back.
(oh, wait....SHE HATES THIS PART!!!)

Escaping swim lessons....
Actually, she was looking for "baby Boaz"

1 comment:

Kaitlyn said...

LOVE IT!!! I wish I was there. :) She's so cute. And learning at a perfect age!!